Uptown HTML

Optimizing Web Pages

Optimizing your web page is basically making your sight faster by lowering the amount of data being loaded to the page. This is for a better user experience when visiting your site.


In this lesson you will be learning how to make your site faster and more convenient for your users.

Sub Objective

This lesson will include the following key points about optimizing your web page: Minimize HTTP Requests, Making JavaScript and CSS External, Reduce DNS Lookups, Minify JavaScript and CSS, Flush the Buffer Early, No 404s, Optimize Images, Optimize CSS Sprites.

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Lesson Plans:


Question 1: What dose the section tag do inside of a html5 document?

Question 2: What is the correct doctype for a html5 document?

Question 3: What tag would you use if you waned to place a caption under a picture?