Uptown HTML

CSS dropdown menu

A CSS drop-down is basically a group of list items with in a section of another group of list items. These groups of list items are displayed when the courser (mouse) is hovered over top of the main list item that has a nested group of list items with in it.

CSS drop-downs are extremely useful wen it comes to sites with multiple sub sections, or a site that may have a large amount of navigation tabs through out there site.


Users will learn how to successfully create a drop-down navigation menu strictly using html and CSS properties.

Sub Objective

In this lesson you will learn the styling and HTML structure of a CSS drop-down using ul, li, and href tags along with CSS properties.

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Lesson Plans:


Question 1: What two tags are needed to successfully create a dropdown menu?

Question 2: Which direction would you need to float the <li>’s to make your navigation go straight across?

Question 3: The <ul> tag must be inside of a <li> tag to create a dropdown affect.